A Musical Interlude…

Yes. It has been some time since I posted here… There has been plenty going on – lots of new stuff at work, plenty of personal shit and a tonne of excellent bike riding. I don’t, however, really seem to be in a place where I feel like writing much about it and sharing it with you all, so I hope an introduction (and it will be an introduction to most) to some of the tunes that have gotten me through the past few weeks will suffice in lieu of something more substantial…

I’m gonna start with this, because as much as I am not really that into Irish folk music, this tune and the video clip totally made my week… HUGE thanks to my friend Mutsumi for sharing it with me… Pretty hard not to smile listening to and watching this, and was nice to come across it at a time this week where I really needed a bit of a cheer up…


Woods of Ypres. These guys have been the soundtrack to my 2013 really, after my awesome punk-rock-dad of a friend Rod put me on to them… It’s interesting hearing someone you will never know summarise the way you feel about something, so simply and beautifully… I will never grow tired of this song…


Raindigger… I don’t really know what I can say about it… Erik Mongrain is a strange looking cat, but shit… Just listen…


Lastly, she was here recently but I had way too much going on and I missed her… Pretty good chance I’d have been just about the only non-lesbian in the house though and I get that at home… So good…


More real life stuff soon, I promise…


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